29 research outputs found

    Does the Open Access Business Model Have a Significant Impact on the Citation of Publications? Case Study in the Field of Civil Engineering

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    One of the possible benefits of open access (OA) might be the better visibility of articles,which is usually measured by the number of citations of the article. In order to\ud realistically estimate the effect of OA on citation, it is not enough to compare OA and non-OA ISI journals. Thus, as Harnad and Brody (2004) suggested, the numbers of citations\ud of OA and non-OA articles from the same journals were compared. Therefore, we have chosen to analyze the publications in three international journals in the field\ud of civil engineering. All of them have an ISI impact factor in the Civil engineering subject category in the ISI/Web of science database (WOS). The articles were classified\ud into two groups − the OA publications and the non-OA publications. We analyzed all the articles published in the same year and the number of their citations until the end of February 2012, seeking to find out if these two groups differ from each other

    Praktikum kot del študijskih programov na področju bibliotekarske in informacijske znanosti

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    In Library and Information Science (LIS) courses, practicums serve as a specific bond between theory on the one hand and practical work and the profession on the other. In seeking to prepare graduates for the profession and for professional work, LIS programmes use practicums as a model to enhance the library school curriculum. During the traditional LIS practicum, one already makes use of the many advantages online tools provide, building online portfolios or keeping student work diaries online while undertaking the practical part of one’s practicum. This enables easy and constant communication among all three stakeholders: host institutions, educational institutions, and students. Whilst it is important to engage actively with industry to provide students with opportunities to participate in ‘experiential learning’ and in building practical skills and knowledge, it is also important to ensure this is done in a systematic manner, and with a genuine desire on the part of the employers for a collaborative partnership. Striking similarities regarding practicums and placements between geographically distant countries such as Australia and Slovenia, and the opinions and attitudes that all three stakeholders – students, host institutions and educational institutions – share, indicates that traditional practicums, undertaken in a physical workplace, are still a key component of an LIS education.In Library and Information Science (LIS) courses, practicums serve as a specific bond between theory onthe one hand and practical work and the profession on the other. In seeking to prepare graduates for theprofession and for professional work, LIS programmes use practicums as a model to enhance the libraryschool curriculum. During the traditional LIS practicum, one already makes use of the many advantagesonline tools provide, building online portfolios or keeping student work diaries online while undertakingthe practical part of one’s practicum. This enables easy and constant communication among all threestakeholders: host institutions, educational institutions, and students. Whilst it is important to engageactively with industry to provide students with opportunities to participate in ‘experiential learning’and in building practical skills and knowledge, it is also important to ensure this is done in a systematicmanner, and with a genuine desire on the part of the employers for a collaborative partnership. Strikingsimilarities regarding practicums and placements between geographically distant countries suchas Australia and Slovenia, and the opinions and attitudes that all three stakeholders – students, hostinstitutions and educational institutions – share, indicates that traditional practicums, undertaken in aphysical workplace, are still a key component of an LIS education.V visokošolskih programih s področja bibliotekarstva in informacijske znanosti praktikum služi kot posebna vez med teorijo na eni strani ter praktičnim delom in stroko na drugi strani. Pri pripravi diplomantov za poklic in strokovno delo ti programi uporabljajo koncept praktikuma kot modela za izboljšanje. Tudi pri klasičnem praktikumu so izkoriščene številne prednosti, ki jih zagotavljajo spletna orodja, kot sta na primer izgradnja spletnih portfeljev ali vodenje spletnih dnevnikov dela, medtem ko študent opravlja praktični del praktikuma. To omogoča enostavno in neprekinjeno komunikacijo med vsemi udeleženci procesa – ustanovami gostiteljicami prakse, izobraževalnim ustanovami in študenti. Čeprav je pomembno zagotoviti študentom, da med prakso aktivno sodelujejo v »izkustvenem učenju« in vzpostavljajo praktične spretnosti in znanja, je pomembno tudi to, da je to izvedeno na sistematičen način in ob iskreni želji po sodelovalnem partnerstvu s strani delodajalcev. Presenetljive podobnosti glede izpeljave praktikuma in namestitve študentov med geografsko tako oddaljenimi državama, kot sta Avstralija in Slovenija, ter mnenj in stališč vseh treh udeležencev procesa – študentov, ustanov gostiteljic prakse ter izobraževalnih ustanov – kaže, da je tradicionalni praktikum, ki se izvaja v fizični obliki in na delovnem mestu, še vedno ključni sestavni del izobraževanja s področja bibliotekarstva in informacijske znanosti

    Nepoznata povijest slovenskog knjižničarstva: Javna knjižnica u Celju tijekom Drugoga svjetskog rata

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    The aim of this paper is to investigate and present the activities of the Public Library in Celje during German occupation during World War II. The research is based on a survey of archival sources – relevant documents are available in Celje Historical Arcives (Zgodovinski arhiv Celje – ZAC). The article is divided in two parts, the first one presenting the condition of librarianship in Nazi Germany in general, and the second one focusing on a case study: the conditions of librarianship in occupied Slovenian city of Celje. The city was an important administrative, commercial, industrial, traffic and educational centre in the area of Styria during the occupation. Its library operated according to standards and models applied to libraries in Germany. This was reflected in the overall library operation: selection and processing of material, layout, employee selection and work with users. Public libraries were founded by individual municipalities or groups of municipalities, which took care of the operation of libraries. Special government advisory centres (Staatliche Volksbuechereistelle) provided library’s additional materials. Consequently, libraries played an important role in dissemination of the German language and culture in new border areas, which was regarded as their major aim. War conditions did not deter users from visiting libraries and employee complaints about the lack of financial means were not recorded. Towards the end of the war only the lack of paper was noticed.Cilj je rada istražiti i predstaviti djelovanje Javne knjižnice u Celju tijekom Drugoga svjetskog rata. Rad je podijeljen u dva dijela, u prvom se općenito govori o stanju u knjižničarstvu u nacističkoj Njemačkoj, a drugi se dio bavi djelovanjem Javne knjižnice u okupiranom Celju. Istraživanje se temelji na arhivskim dokumentima dostupnim u Povijesnom arhivu u Celju (Zgodovinski arhiv Celje – ZAC). Celje je tijekom okupacije bilo važno administrativno, trgovinsko, industrijsko, prometno i obrazovno središte Štajerske. Celjska je knjižnica djelovala sukladno standardima i modelima važećima za sve njemačke knjižnice, što se odražavalo na njezino cjelokupno poslovanje: izbor i obradu građe, izbor zaposlenika i rad s korisnicima. Javne su knjižnice bile utemeljene municipalnim sredstvima, a grad je brinuo o njihovom poslovanju. Usto, posebno je državno savjetodavno tijelo (Staatliche Volksbuechereistelle) osiguravalo dodatne materijale. Knjižnice su u novim pograničnim područjima imale važnu ulogu u diseminaciji njemačkog jezika i kulture, što se i smatralo njihovom temeljnom zadaćom. Ratne okolnosti nisu odvratile korisnike od posjeta knjižnici, niti su se zaposlenici žalili na nedostatak financijskih sredstava. Kako se rat bližio kraju, zamijećen je tek nedostatak papira. Doprinos radnje je rekonstrukcija poslovanja Javne knjižnice u Celju tijekom vrlo burnog povijesnog razdoblja, što je tema kojoj do sada nije pridavana veća pozornost

    Nepoznata povijest slovenskog knjižničarstva: Javna knjižnica u Celju tijekom Drugoga svjetskog rata

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    The aim of this paper is to investigate and present the activities of the Public Library in Celje during German occupation during World War II. The research is based on a survey of archival sources – relevant documents are available in Celje Historical Arcives (Zgodovinski arhiv Celje – ZAC). The article is divided in two parts, the first one presenting the condition of librarianship in Nazi Germany in general, and the second one focusing on a case study: the conditions of librarianship in occupied Slovenian city of Celje. The city was an important administrative, commercial, industrial, traffic and educational centre in the area of Styria during the occupation. Its library operated according to standards and models applied to libraries in Germany. This was reflected in the overall library operation: selection and processing of material, layout, employee selection and work with users. Public libraries were founded by individual municipalities or groups of municipalities, which took care of the operation of libraries. Special government advisory centres (Staatliche Volksbuechereistelle) provided library’s additional materials. Consequently, libraries played an important role in dissemination of the German language and culture in new border areas, which was regarded as their major aim. War conditions did not deter users from visiting libraries and employee complaints about the lack of financial means were not recorded. Towards the end of the war only the lack of paper was noticed.Cilj je rada istražiti i predstaviti djelovanje Javne knjižnice u Celju tijekom Drugoga svjetskog rata. Rad je podijeljen u dva dijela, u prvom se općenito govori o stanju u knjižničarstvu u nacističkoj Njemačkoj, a drugi se dio bavi djelovanjem Javne knjižnice u okupiranom Celju. Istraživanje se temelji na arhivskim dokumentima dostupnim u Povijesnom arhivu u Celju (Zgodovinski arhiv Celje – ZAC). Celje je tijekom okupacije bilo važno administrativno, trgovinsko, industrijsko, prometno i obrazovno središte Štajerske. Celjska je knjižnica djelovala sukladno standardima i modelima važećima za sve njemačke knjižnice, što se odražavalo na njezino cjelokupno poslovanje: izbor i obradu građe, izbor zaposlenika i rad s korisnicima. Javne su knjižnice bile utemeljene municipalnim sredstvima, a grad je brinuo o njihovom poslovanju. Usto, posebno je državno savjetodavno tijelo (Staatliche Volksbuechereistelle) osiguravalo dodatne materijale. Knjižnice su u novim pograničnim područjima imale važnu ulogu u diseminaciji njemačkog jezika i kulture, što se i smatralo njihovom temeljnom zadaćom. Ratne okolnosti nisu odvratile korisnike od posjeta knjižnici, niti su se zaposlenici žalili na nedostatak financijskih sredstava. Kako se rat bližio kraju, zamijećen je tek nedostatak papira. Doprinos radnje je rekonstrukcija poslovanja Javne knjižnice u Celju tijekom vrlo burnog povijesnog razdoblja, što je tema kojoj do sada nije pridavana veća pozornost

    Impact of open access on citation of scholarly publications in the field of civil engineering

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    The development of science is accompanied by growth of scholarly publications, primarily in the form of articles in peer-reviewed journals. Scientific work is often evaluated through the number of scientific publications in international journals and their citations. This article discusses the impact of open access (OA) on the number of citations for an institution from the field of civil engineering. We analyzed articles, published in 2007 in 14 international journals with impact factor, which are included in the Journal Citation Reports subject category “Civil Engineering”. The influence of open access on the number of citations was analyzed. The aim of our research was to determine if open access articles from the field of civil engineering receive more citations than non-open access articles. Based on the value of impact factor and ranking in quartiles, we also looked at the influence of the rank of journals on the number of citations, separately for OA and Non OA articles, in databases Web of Science (WOS), Scopus and Google Scholar. For 2,026 studied articles we found out that 22 % of them were published as OA articles. They received 29 % of all citations in the observed period. We can conclude by the significance level 5 % or less that in the databases WOS and Scopus the articles from top ranked journals (first quartile) achieved more citations than Non OA articles. This argument can be confirmed for some other journals from second quartile as well, while for the journals ranked into the third quartile it can’t be confirmed. This could be confirmed only partly for journals from the second quartile, and would not be confirmed for journals ranked into the third quartile. This shows that open access is not a sufficient condition for citation, but increases the number of citations for articles published in journals with high impact

    Dissertations and Data: keynote address

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    International audienceThe keynote provides an overview on the field of research data produced by PhD students, in the context of open science, open access to research results, e-Science and the handling of electronic theses and dissertations. The keynote includes recent empirical results and recommendations for good practice and further research. In particular, the paper is based on an assessment of 864 print and electronic dissertations in sciences, social sciences and humanities from the Universities of Lille (France) and Ljubljana (Slovenia), submitted between 1987 and 2015, and on a survey on data management with 270 scientists in social sciences and humanities of the University of Lille 3.The keynote starts with an introduction into data-driven science, data life cycle and data publishing. It then moves on to research data management by PhD students, their practice, their needs and their willingness to disseminate and share their data. After this qualitative analysis of information behaviour, we present the results of a quantitative assessment of research data produced and submitted with dissertations Special attention is paid to the size of the research data in appendices, to their presentation and link to the text, to their sources and typology, and to their potential for further research. The discussion puts the focus on legal aspects (database protection, intellectual property, privacy, third-party rights) and other barriers to data sharing, reuse and dissemination through open access.Another part adds insight into the potential handling of these data, in the framework of the French and Slovenian dissertation infrastructures. What could be done to valorise these data in a centralized system for electronic theses and dissertations (ETDs)? The topics are formats, metadata (including attribution of unique identifiers), submission/deposit, long-term preservation and dissemination. This part will also draw on experiences from other campuses and make use of results from surveys on data management at the Universities of Berlin and Lille.The conclusion provides some recommendations for the assistance and advice to PhD students in managing and depositing their research data, and also for further research.Our study will be helpful for academic libraries to develop assistance and advice for PhD students in managing their research data, in collaboration with the research structures and the graduate schools. Moreover, it should be helpful to prepare and select research data for long-term preservation, curate research data in open repositories and design data repositories.The French part of paper is part of an ongoing research project at the University of Lille 3 (France) in the field of digital humanities and research data, conducted with scientists and academic librarians. Its preliminary results have been presented at a conference on research data in February 2015 at Lille, at the 8th Conference on Grey Literature and Repositories at Prague in October 2015 and published in the Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication. The Slovenian research results have not been published before